
This is a prayer in Catharsis:
A vow to unfurl the Adulterated,
To cleanse through the fraught Crisis
And venerably plead to be Exonerated.

What’s now the Salvation?
She’s Resuscitated our mind, body and soul,
Without a day’s Isolation,
Down the Eons, through her magnanimous Whole.

Now, the Winds are Palpitating – they cough up Air,
They don their masks of Life.
Faint and frail, the irreconcilable Zephyr,
She zombies down the hillside, dreading the Strife.

What’s now the Consolation?
She’s Whetted our beings, lest we wither away,
Lashing, Meandering, lusciously Flowing,
Generously Sprinkling – droplets of life each day.

Now, the Waves are furious – they wreck Vengeance,
They’re armed to fight eye-for-an eye.
Encumbered with human Barrenness, his Decadence
They’ve no patience for his stuttering Alibi.

What’s now the Redemption?
She Appetized, Fed and Nurtured with her spoils,
She gloated in her colossal storehouses o’ Nutrition.
Evergreen, she flowered in her Greens and rich, brown, golden Soils.

Now, she quakes open her Despair,
Axed by his burgeoning Avarice
Yelps for rescue, if she may Dare,
To be redeemed from his black-sooted Curse.

This prayer in Catharsis –
An earnest prayer of Hope,
Seeks no elucidation, holds not one man accountable,
Burns no bridges and demands no reply.

This prayer in Catharsis –
Begs for Introspection, Inquires your Duties,
Suggests Morality and a Vow –
To Nurture a Green Dream starting right Now.

So, when you take a deep sigh,
It’s not ridden with a carbonated high.
And when you drink your succulent hydrater,
You’re not fretting over your lungs operator.

For all the sins we bear,
Let’s pledge to evenly share –
The duty to Cleanse
Now! The duty shall Commence.

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